
ARTIST REPRESENTATION + ART PUBLISHINGHere are some ways in which we help you stay the artist while we handle the business:
- Representation by Artistic Transfer, LLC worldwide.
- Press releases and advertising.
- Representation at events and festivals.
- Highest possible image capture quality of originals with our proven in-house proprietary systems and methodologies.
- Museum quality printing for highest reproduction quality and longevity of limited editions.
- Special pricing on mounting or printing your art on acrylic or metal.
- Creating value, authenticity, and provenance.
- Compliance with the Laws of Multiples and other related art laws.
- Certificates of authenticity.
- On-going legal and market research in the fine art arena.
- Self-marketing training material and assistance for artists and photographers who wish to market their Limited Editions on their own for higher profits.
- Highest quality materials used for high value and longevity.
- Royalty payments, based on 18% of the wholesale price (20% for Professional C.A.R.E. Members) of artist's limited editions that include printing and stretching only.
- Special outside accounting is in place for quarterly reports on sales of artists giclees and optional automatic deposits of royalties.
- Special pricing on all framing and matting through our affiliate frame manufacturers establishments.
- Artistic Transfer, LLC does not claim any copyright on artist’s and photographer's original work whatsoever.
- Special in-house procedures are in place to guard all the artist’s personal information and images.
- All client electronic images are securely stored on-site. Optional off-site back up is also available. artist representation art publishing
- For artist’s who have their own website and want to display and sell their limited edition collection in three different sizes and four print medias, our staff can install our free buy button. Ask us for details on how you can enjoy more profit selling from your site.
Markets we are pursuing nationally and internationally:
Artistic Transfer, LLC maintains a full time marketing team for the publishing of fine art.
Our World Wide Reach
Assisted Living
Rehab Facilities
Retirement Communities
Corporate Buildings
Furniture Chains
Event Centers
Cruise Lines
A variety of methodologies are used to market the artists and their works.
We strive and give our best efforts to create volume sales and product recognition.
Our commitment is to capture a fair share of the Fine Art market and establish a network of buyers of Limited Edition Fine Art.
We represent artists and photographers from Europe to South America who have heard the rage about our world-class image capture, printing, and publishing services.
You can roll your painting up in a tube and mail it to us, email us the digital file of your image, or bring your artwork to our studio in person!
Check for updates on our image capture tours across the United States!
Disclaimer : The marketability of any fine art is subject to acceptance by the general public and fine art buyers.